Robertson IP

Iconic Brands and Their Trademarked Sounds, Colours, and Phrases

Trademark Sounds, Colours and Phrases to Protect Your Brand Identity Protecting your brand is absolutely essential and can involve not only logos and business names, but also sounds, colors, and phrases. As a business owner, protecting your brand in the early stages when creating a unique identity can determine your success. A strong brand identity […]

The Power of a Simple Idea

How Josephine Cochrane’s Dishwasher Changed the World  The history of invention is filled with stories of individuals who changed the world with the power of a simple idea. These stories remind us that the seeds of innovation often come from frustrations with the mundane tasks of life. They are sparked by a desire for improvement. […]

The Whimsical World of Arthur Pedrick’s Eccentric Patents

The Life of Arthur Pedrick  After retiring from his position at the UK Patent Office, Arthur embarked on a unique journey. He filed an abundance of eccentric and often whimsical patents during his retirement. Arthur Pedrick’s eccentric patents and creations were notable for their impracticality and sheer absurdity. Although they were often groundbreaking in their […]